Disclaimer: This newsletter is not investment advice.

FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION is going to be the topic 24/7, as told from the lens of an investor. Now, moving brown boxes around might sound boring to you, but I’m going to try my best to make it…less boring. We’ll delve into business model analysis and philosophy, and I’ll try to sprinkle in some GIFs for good measure.

If this interests you, subscribe below!

My name is Vanck, and I really love the freight transports sector and covered it for a few years on the sell side. I’m starting this newsletter because there’s a gap for deep fundamental analysis of intermediate- to longer-term trends in a manner relevant to investors and operators.

Here’s a couple of free-ish historical resources I’ve put out on this topic:

1.       A compilation of $EXPD’s amusing Reg FD 8-Ks that I shared via Twitter:

2.       A Tweetstorm on $AAWW:

3.       A (very) old writeup on $CHRW (SeekingAlpha paywall may apply): https://seekingalpha.com/article/1895481-c-h-robinson-worldwide-accumulate-on-dips

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Freight Transportation


Thinker/Investor. Views are my own, do your own DD, etc. The #AmazingRace 29 🌍.